Our Story

Local Donut began its journey in a quiet kitchen, at the crack of dawn in 2019. Oil warms in a cast iron pan, dough rises, music creates a soul and a rhythm to the morning fry. A recipe containing a yeasted mother dough from years worth of trial and tribulation, has lead to the chewy, air filled, sweet yet salty donut before you. 

We are a family owned business; husband and wife, partners in crime, raising our two little girls on the shores of Greenwood Lake in Woodbury, Vermont. 

Local Donut is committed to supporting our community and for conscious sourcing of local ingredients from our fellow Vermont producers; maple syrup, raw honey, farm eggs, raw milk, organic fruit & VT grown wheat. 

Deepest gratitude to Carrier Roasting where the donut journey first began, to our local community and to all of the farm- to- table locations that have supported us along the way.

Carpe diem; thank you for allowing us to make your life a little sweeter! 

Nate Doyon & Nina Livellara 

Woodbury VT

Enjoy these special videos capturing our story by Mountain Brothers Media.

Family Photo.JPG
Auntie Dee; sister, book keeper & donut taste tester…

Auntie Dee; sister, book keeper & donut taste tester…